Cells make a lot of trash. Probably more than you’d think. So, cells have a trash disposal system that efficiently cleans up and recycles any waste that is produced. But when there are issues with …
Malfunctioning quality control pathway in neurons may be a cause of autism spectrum disorder
While researchers believe there is no single cause for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), two new studies by Luigi Puglielli, MD, PhD, reveal a new potential genetic connection as a cause of the condition. As our …
The identities of enzymes: study further defines the function of a potential target for Alzheimer’s therapy
A new study from the lab of UW-Madison professor of medicine Luigi Puglielli, MD, PhD, opens a door to potential treatments for diseases of age, such as Alzheimer’s disease, by defining the roles of two …
Dr. Puglielli discusses autophagy research on ‘Dementia Matters’ podcast
Luigi Puglielli, PhD, was a recent guest on Dementia Matters, a podcast produced by the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. During the interview, Dr. Puglielli talked about his recent paper “ATase inhibition rescues age-associated proteotoxicity of …
Puglielli Lab publishes study on Atase1 and Atase2 in ‘Communications Biology’
A new study from the Puglielli Lab opens a door to potential treatments for diseases of age, such as Alzheimer’s disease, by defining the roles of two enzymes that are imperative to protein production. “Endoplasmic …
Seeking Research Associate (Postdoctoral)
The Puglielli laboratory is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in high-end microscopy, structural biology, and general biochemistry to study morphological changes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and secretory pathway in cellular and mouse models …
Puglielli research featured in Wisconsin ADRC Grant Year 11 Annual Report
Dr. Luigi Puglielli’s recent project “Novel Mechanisms for Alzheimer Disease Prevention and/or Treatment” was featured in the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) Grant Year 11 Annual Report. This project received funding from the U.S. …