Cells make a lot of trash. Probably more than you’d think. So, cells have a trash disposal system that efficiently cleans up and recycles any waste that is produced. But when there are issues with the disposal system and trash builds up in the cell, that can lead to disease. This has led researchers to consider the trash disposal system as a target for potential disease treatments and therapies. New research from the Waisman Center reveals that stimulating a cell’s disposal system in specific places could potentially be an effective treatment route for diseases that are caused by trash accumulation, specifically misfolded proteins.
Read the full article at: https://www.waisman.wisc.edu/2024/09/17/taking-out-the-trash-new-study-finds-clearing-specific-cell-trash-is-possible-and-may-be-target-for-future-treatments-of-neurodegenerative-diseases/