Principal Investigator
Luigi Puglielli, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology
View Dr. Puglielli’s biography on the Department of Medicine website.
Megan Braun
Gonzalo Fernandes-Fuente, PhD
William Kamm
Maeghan Murie-Mazariegos
Nicola Orefice, PhD
Yajing Peng, PhD
Michael Rigby
Samantha Shapiro
Brendan Sheehan
Varuna Banduseela, PhD
Claudio Costantini, PhD
Inca Dieterich, PhD
Yun Ding, PhD
Mark Farrugia, PhD
Theresa Hare
Rikki Hullinger, PhD
Cabell Jonas, PhD
Anna Karst
Mi Hee Ko, PhD
Rekha Kolasani
Massimiliano Lehnus, PhD
Mi Li, PhD
Hui Li, MS
Mariana Pehar, PhD
Kate Shields